Publication guidelines

1. Only unpublished works will be published, written originally in Spanish, English or Portuguese, which, according explicitly to their authors, they have not been sent or will be sent to other publications while they are being verified by the Editorial Committee and/or evaluated by the external evaluators.

2. Authors must send their personal data in a separate file and in docx format: full names, titles obtained, academic affiliation or indication of independent researcher, ORCID, email and a short bionote of up to 100 words.

3. The articles must be sent in docx format to . The format of the text shall be as follows: sheet size A4, with margins of the normal type (2,5 cm upper and lower and 3 cm right and left), 1 cm first line indent, 12-point Times New Roman letter, 1,5 spacing and before and after paragraph. The extension will be from 5,000 to 9,000 words for articles, research advances, interviews and translations; up to 2000 words for book reviews; and, 2500 words for debates (including, in all cases, footnotes and bibliography). Footnotes will be made with the same font, in size of 10 points and will be used to introduce clarifications or comments, cite documentary sources, interviews or press, not to make appointments.

4. Book reviews will be devoted to/or consist of analysis of relevant texts, linked to the thematic areas covered by the journal, posts in relation to the same analysis with another recent book (3 years maximum since its first edition, or the edition that incurs in analysis) or classic on the subject. They will be short and analytical texts with a title, the main hypotheses and contributions that the book provides to scientific knowledge. The full title of the analyzed book, its authors/s, publisher, year of publication and number of pages should be indicated. The titles will be placed in capital letters, bold and without underlining. The subtitles, in lowercase and bold, without underlining, without italics and without end point.

5. The debates will consist of comments or responses to articles published in the journal, or in another journal, an analysis of topics of national or international agenda, or contributions made by several authors who discuss the same issue belonging to some of the disciplines proposed by Revista Pares (Political Science, Law, Philosophy, History, International Relations and Sociology) or others related to the Social Sciences.

6. Articles, research advances, book reviews, debates, interviews and translations should be accompanied by a summary in Spanish, Portuguese and English of 150 to 200 words, in a single paragraph and without indentation. Up to five keywords in Spanish, Portuguese and English, separated by commas, must also be entered. In the same way, the title should be placed in all three languages and should have a maximum of 16 words. The rest of the text must be in the author’s language (Spanish, English or Portuguese). In addition, the titles must not contain two points or an endpoint. 

Original articles or guest interviews may also be published and must be evaluated by at least two members of the Editorial Board or by two reviewers at the discretion of the editor. 

Translations shall contain a concrete justification of the timeliness, relevance and consequence of the translation, which shall be integrated into the summary. 

7. The text must not have personal references in data and/or metadata to ensure anonymity before the evaluators. It is important that the author remove his name as an author from the word processor to ensure anonymity. In addition, you must send an additional file in Word format only with the title and abstract in the three languages requested.  Tables, graphs and images should be sent in a single separate file in Word format, and the body of the text should indicate the suggested place to insert them, with a call of type “Table 1”. Images should be in jpg format and the resolution should be 1280 x 720 (HD) or 1920 x 1080 (Full HD).

8. Textual citations with an extension greater than four lines must be recorded in a separate paragraph, with indent space in the left margin, in the same font size 11, without italics, without quotation marks and 1.5 spacing.
9. Bibliographic references within the body of the text should have the following format: (Surname of the/author/a, year of edition: page). Example: (Machiavelli, 2010: 95). Do not use references of the type “ibidem”, “op.cit”, etc.

10. The bibliography should consist only of authors previously cited in the work, be placed at the end of the text and in alphabetical order by surname of the first authors, respecting the following format:

Books: Surnames, initials of the name of/of the author/a. Year of publication (in brackets). Title of the book (in italics). City of edition (no need to clarify the country): editorial. Point. If you have, indicate the DOI (in these cases, no closing point). For example:

Maquiavelo, N. (2010). El príncipe. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

McAdam, D., Tarrow, S. and Tilly, C. (2001). Dynamics of contention. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511805431

Book with publishers:

Hedström, P. and Bearman, P. (eds.). (2009). The Oxford Handbook of Analytical Sociology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199215362.001.0001

Manzo, G. (ed.). (2014). Analytical sociology. Actions and networks. Chichester: Wiley.

Chapters in books: Surnames of the authors, initials of the names. Year of publication (in brackets). Title of the chapter. ‘En’; initials of the names of the publishers or compiler of the work, with the corresponding abbreviation in parentheses. Title of the book (in italics), number of the initial and final pages (in parentheses, preceded by “pp.”). City of edition: editorial. If available, indicate the DOI (in these cases, no closing point).

For example:

Coleman, J. S. (1987). Microfoundations and macrosocial behavior. In J. C. Alexander, B. Giesen, R. Münch and N. J. Smelser (eds.), The micro-macro link (pp. 153-173). Berkeley: University of California Press.

Feldman, Y. and Maccoun, R. J. (2005). Some well-aged wines for the “new norms” bottles: Implications of social psychology for law and economics. In F. Parisi and V. Smith (eds.), The law and economics of irrational behavior (pp. 358-394). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Articles in journals: Surnames, initials of the names of the author/s. Year of publication (in brackets). Title of the article. Title of the publication (in italics), volume (in italics) and number (in parentheses, round and without space before), number of initial and final pages. Dot. If available, add DOI (in which case, do not close with dot).

For example:

Ashforth, B. E. (1994). Petty tyranny in organizations. Human relations, 47(7), 755-778. doi: 10.1177/0018726794700701

Ashforth, B. E. and Anand, V. (2003). The normalization of corruption in organizations. Research in organizational behavior, 25, 1-25. doi: 10.1016/s0191-3085(03)25001-2

Thesis: Surnames, initials of the names of the author/s. Year (in brackets). Title (in italics). Academic degree, institution, city, country (in parentheses and separated by commas). “Retrieved from” and the URL in which it is located. It does not close with an endpoint.

For example:

Wagon, M. E. (2018).  The concept of evil in the thought of Hannah Arendt: moral, legal and political dimension (PhD thesis, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina). Retrieved from

Legislation: Law (name of law), number of law (if any), abbreviation of law (if any), date. If online, “Available on” and the URL will be added.

For example:

Migration Act 25.871/2004 and its subsequent amendments. Available at:

Within the body of the text: Law number and year. If the law is not numbered but nominated, abbreviation of the law and year shall be used.

For example:

(COIP, 2014)

(Act N° 25.871, 2004)

Bibliographic citations not specified in the above list must conform to the international standard APA, 3rd edition in Spanish of the 6th edition in English. 

11. The Editorial Board shall reserve the right to assess the relevance of the works received, considering the profile of the publication, as well as their conformity with editorial standards. The mere submission of manuscripts does not ensure publication in the journal. After going through the verification of the Editorial Committee, the works will be sent to two external evaluators (blind peers), selected according to the topic of each work by the Editorial Committee. The identities of the reviewers will not be revealed to the authors. In addition, the evaluation procedures will always be public on the journal’s website. Peer Review ensures independent peer review, seeking appropriate academic profiles for each case, and ensuring academic relevance, diversity of countries and regions, and adherence to ethical criteria in scientific publications.  The results obtained after the referral process (See evaluation sheet) will be final and the opinions will be constituted in four possible ways: direct acceptance of the article, acceptance conditional on the introduction of minor modifications (the second version of the work, will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee), acceptance conditional on the introduction of substantial modifications (the second version of the work, returns to the evaluators), and not acceptance (rejected). In case of disparity in the evaluation opinions on the acceptance and rejection of a work, the Editorial Committee will resort to a third evaluator, whose verdict will be decisive.

12. The Editorial Board shall, by sending an e-mail, confirm to the authors the receipt of their proposals and the outcome of the evaluation. In the event that the reviewers indicate the need to make modifications in a work, the authors will be notified by the same way, who will have a deadline to make them, no more than 10 days, for minor corrections, and 20 days, for substantial corrections. The Editorial Board may decide on longer deadlines in cases of substantial corrections that require greater dedication. They must then forward the corrected work. No additions or modifications will be accepted once the editing process has begun. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make any style corrections it deems appropriate.

13. The evaluation process shall last approximately five months.

14. The Editorial Board shall in no way disseminate works that are not accepted.

15. The submission of papers implies the full acceptance by the authors of the aforementioned rules and conditions, as well as the acceptance of the publication of the work on the website of the journal.

16. In Peer Review, all instances, from the submission of papers, evaluation and publication, are free, contributing to open access, open science and the scientific and academic development of our region. Likewise, the authors of the manuscripts sent will not receive any payment for the publication of their article.

17. The publication of works shall be subject to the order of arrival and evaluation of the work, as well as to relevant editorial decisions. 

18. Work which does not comply with the above rules shall be returned.

Charter of Assignment of patrimonial rights of author

Letter of Declaration of Originality

Request for recusal of assessors